Tag Archives: blonde

bravus brewing – blonde

i just got home from walking dogs all morning and it’s a beautiful spring day outside, warm but not hot with a cool breeze. my landlord was fixing my wooden gate that leads to my apartment around the back of the house. the gate fell off one of its hinges yesterday, making it hard to open/shut, so i was glad to see him working on it. we had a lovely chat. i came home to the delivery of my latest impulse purchase from athletic brewing – the irish red (no longer available, one of the pilot program brews) – so a few of those went right into the fridge. but i was dreaming of a beer on the way home, so i decided to pop something that was already cold but new to me, the bravus blonde.

hmm. i’m not quite sure what i think of this beer. i am quickly realizing that all bravus beers have a unique and common aroma/taste that i can’t quite put my finger on – is that the hops they use? the malt? something about their brewing process to achieve non-alcoholic beer? i really don’t know. i’m not skilled enough of a taster to isolate or know what it is. all i know is that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. in the case of the peanut butter stout, it REALLY works. in the case of the oatmeal stout, it sometimes works but appears to be a delicate balancing act that can go horribly wrong. in this blonde, i’m not sure if it works.

it poured a nice light golden color (they call it straw yellow but that doesn’t seem very complimentary) and had a little sudsy head to it. i get a little sour, funky smell that isn’t really pleasant to me. upon taking a sip, it’s pretty thin and the carbonation is light, so mouthfeel is a little weak but it is smooth. i’m getting a little citrus (though that might just be that i ate an orange when i first came home and the acidity is still in my mouth), a little banana (though not much). it’s got a light malty sweetness to it. i can’t quite decide if i like this or not. it’s not so bad that i won’t drink it but i’m not sure i will feel like i want to reach for this again anytime soon. and i feel like “blonde” as a descriptor doesn’t really work because this doesn’t taste like any blonde beer i’ve ever had before… though i really don’t know what i would call it.

i’m grateful i had a chance to try it. maybe i will experiment with mixing this with their raspberry gose and see what happens! but i don’t think, on its own, that this beer is for me.

last of the singles batch

copied over from my instagram:

more NA beer reviews. i have finally finished the last of those singles that i bought at total wine.

no picture for the brooklyn brewery special effects because i drank it on mardi gras while freezing my ass off in full costume outdoors at a friend’s house and i just forgot. i thought it was pretty beer-like but I was quickly reminded that i don’t usually like their beer because it is hoppier than i prefer for a lager. but if you like their style of beer then you will probably like this. it seems to get really good reviews, but it’s just not really my jam. i drank it while eating gumbo and fried chicken, but i just probably wouldn’t buy it again.

the first picture here is of the moritz 0.0 which i had one day with my lunch of lentil soup. this spanish NA lager was very beer-like in every way, light and refreshing and a little malt forward. people keep comparing it to corona but i don’t really like corona and i actually really liked this. it’s not really my favorite style of beer but i think in the summer it would make for a great brew on a hot day. i would buy it again because it was solid.

the next picture is the partake brewing blonde. partake is canadian and known for their low calorie, low carb beers and this one certainly fits that description coming in at 15 calories! it was ok and i did drink it but i don’t think i’d buy it again. it was light but really thin and didn’t have a lot of flavor. i will still give their other beers a try though because they certainly have a following.

the last one is from suntory, all-free, from japan. i’ve read a lot of really great reviews of this brand but again i don’t think it’s my jam. it’s very light and crisp but there’s a weird aftertaste to this one that i can’t put my finger on but it’s not pleasurable. there’s definitely a hint of lemon/citrus here & it has the mouthfeel of a lighter beer, but there’s just not a lot of flavor here. i’m about halfway through the glass and i’m not sure i’m gonna finish it. but i’m glad i gave it a try.